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Amazing article bro. Makes me think--The 'ahead of its time' idea is a bit dangerous, because it can justify delusions of failed artists as well as it can justify a brilliant ideas of an underappreciated artist. Ahead-of-time-ness is always something you want to put your money where your mouth is--if you think a piece of art is 'Ahead of its time,' support the shit out of it. If you just say it is 'Ahead of its time,' without supporting it, do you really think that, or are you just saying it? Part of what makes something great is the people who see it as on the edge of something, and champion it.

Also, artists nowadays are their own champions a lot of times and don't sit back and allow their art to just be appreciated enough. (I am speaking for myself here) We instead feel we need to justify our own expression by trumpeting it from every rooftop, instead of just creating for the sake of itself and allowing the world to champion it if they want to. Do we do it because people don't champion us, or do people no longer champion greatness because we do that?

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